To push notification with Ionic we will use cordovaPushV5 It quite easy to handle:

Logic to push notification

Android device

Set up

The first, we should create an for app at

When we have an app at google developers, we will get an sender_id

Use sender_id to install phonegap plugin push

phonegap plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX"

Then, we will use ` $cordovaPushV5` to help push notification via phonegap plugin

Where we put the code to get registrationID use with android and deviceToken use with ios

We will put the code at login.js:

'use strict';

  .controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $ionicPlatform, $cordovaPushV5) {

    var config = null;
    var deviceToken = "";
    $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
      config =  {
        android: {
          senderID: "551489489489"
        ios: {
          alert: 'true',
          badge: true,
          sound: 'false',
          clearBadge: true

      $cordovaPushV5.initialize(config).then(function(result) {
        $cordovaPushV5.register().then(function(registrationID) {
          deviceToken = registrationID;
        }, function(err) {
      }, function(err) {

How we display notification on screen

To display the notification on screen we will use $cordovaToast

See the way how codovaToast apply:

module.controller('MyCtrl', function($cordovaToast) {

    .show('Here is a message', 'long', 'center')
    .then(function(success) {
      // success
    }, function (error) {
      // error

  $cordovaToast.showShortTop('Here is a message').then(function(success) {
    // success
  }, function (error) {
    // error

  $cordovaToast.showLongBottom('Here is a message').then(function(success) {
    // success
  }, function (error) {
    // error


And we will apply cordovaToast in next part

Where we listen notification fire to device

Cause we will get notification at in every where of the app, our app so we will listen notification fire at app.js

// Ionic stater App

angular.module('stater', [
.run(function($cordovaPushV5, $rootScope, $location, $state, $cordovaToast, Session) {

  // Auto logout app base on expire time
  if (window.localStorage['user']) {
    if ( >= JSON.parse(localStorage["token"]).expire) {

  // Push notification
  $rootScope.$on('$cordovaPushV5:notificationReceived', function(event, data) {
    if (data.additionalData.foreground === false) {
      // For the case in app
        .show(data.message, 'long', 'top')
        .then(function(success) {
          // $location.path('/app/notification');
          // $rootScope.$apply();
        }, function (error) {
    } else {
      // For the case out app
        .show(data.message, 'long', 'center')
        .then(function(success) {
          // $state.go('app.notification');
        }, function (error) {

    if (Device.isOniOS()) {
      if (data.additionalData.badge) {
        $cordovaPushV5.setBadgeNumber(NewNumber).then(function (result) {
        }, function (err) {

  $rootScope.$on('$cordovaPushV5:errorOccurred', function(event, error) {

In the next I will write another post how to fire notification from backend (Rails)

Alright DONE