[Redux] Redux re-render - way to prevent unnecessary re-rendering
Redux re-render - way to prevent unnecessary re-rendering
To refuse unnecessary re-rendering we need to use equalityFn is shallowEqual and some situations we might need to use custom equalityFn
When an action is dispatched, useSelector()
will do a reference comparison of the previous selector result value and the current result value. If they are different, the component will be forced to re-render. If they are the same, the component will not re-render.
will use ===
check equality by default
It will be easy if you compare string, number, boolean
'a' === 'a' => true
1 === 1 => true
false === false => true
BUT for array or object
[] === [] => false
{} === {} => false
because it located different in memory
which is when you get data from store, if the state you get has datatype is object/array you shallowEqual function from redux to avoid unnecessary re-rendering
For example
if the new productPages is same value with old productPages => will not re-render
// productPagesSelectors.selectByIds(state, ids) => return an array
export const useProductPages = (ids: EntityId[]) => {
const productPages = useSelector(
(state: RootState) => productPagesSelectors.selectByIds(state, ids),
return { productPages }
Custom equality function
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
// equality function
const customEqual = (oldValue, newValue) => oldValue === newValue
// later
const selectedData = useSelector(selectorReturningObject, customEqual)
For example
When you upload image, data return will be has different status base on each process
Process 1
"id": "XFbqcdd",
"name": "image_13.png",
"type": "image/png",
"size": 452965,
"imageId": "p6532",
"status": "resizing",
"isReady": false,
"hash": "be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b",
"progress": 100,
"hasFailed": false,
"error": null,
"bucket": "printicular-upload-production",
"location": "https://printicular-upload-production.s3.amazonaws.com:443/a0lvh1km3-htgw53xse-polhmddwp-zvrs28y79/be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b"
Process 2
"id": "XFbqcdd",
"name": "image_13.png",
"type": "image/png",
"size": 452965,
"imageId": "p6532",
"status": "resized",
"isReady": false,
"hash": "be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b",
"progress": 100,
"hasFailed": false,
"error": null,
"bucket": "printicular-upload-production",
"location": "https://printicular-upload-production.s3.amazonaws.com:443/a0lvh1km3-htgw53xse-polhmddwp-zvrs28y79/be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b"
Process 3
"id": "XFbqcdd",
"name": "image_13.png",
"type": "image/png",
"size": 452965,
"imageId": "p6532",
"status": "compressing",
"isReady": false,
"hash": "be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b",
"progress": 100,
"hasFailed": false,
"error": null,
"bucket": "printicular-upload-production",
"location": "https://printicular-upload-production.s3.amazonaws.com:443/a0lvh1km3-htgw53xse-polhmddwp-zvrs28y79/be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b"
Final Process
"id": "XFbqcdd",
"name": "image_13.png",
"type": "image/png",
"size": 452965,
"imageId": "p6532",
"status": "ready",
"isReady": true,
"hash": "be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b",
"progress": 100,
"hasFailed": false,
"error": null,
"bucket": "printicular-upload-production",
"location": "https://printicular-upload-production.s3.amazonaws.com:443/a0lvh1km3-htgw53xse-polhmddwp-zvrs28y79/be712903299282d5837e9dd9cd6dc18b"
Base on each process 1, 2, 3 and final, only state with status: "ready"
has isReady: true, the others status have isReady: false, which is when isReady is false, the component should re-rendering. that why we need to custom customEqual
to compare the value and force the component re-render when isReady: true
const customEqual = (oldValue: any, newValue: any) => {
const val1 = oldValue.map((upload: any) => omit(upload, "status"))
const val2 = newValue.map((upload: any) => omit(upload, "status"))
return isEqual(val1, val2)
export const useUploadEntitiesWithShallowEqual = (ids: EntityId[]) => {
const uploads = useSelector<RootState, UploadEntity[]>(state => {
const uploadArr = uploadsSelectors.selectByIds(state, ids)
return uploadArr
}, customEqual)
return { uploads }